Sunday, March 16, 2008

Celebrity Death - Ola Brunkert - March 16, 2008

Ola Brunkert - March 16, 2008

What do you mean you don't know who Ola Brunkert is?! What?! Do you live under a rock or something? OK... Ftang! admits that it doesn't know who Ola Brunkert was. He was a session drummer with the Swedish mega-band ABBA. He was found dead in the garden of his Spanish home with cuts to his throat, police say.

His death appeared to be accidental. Police believe Brunkert fell from a window and died while he tried to seek help. Brunket, who retired to Majorca, was the only session musician to have appeared on all of Abba's recordings.

And your interesting ABBA tidbit of the day:
Despite breaking up more than 25 years ago, the group still sells between two and three million albums a year.

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