New York's Naked Cowboy is suing M&M Mars for $1.5 million+ for stealing his image.
Robert Burck is unhappy that a blue M&M was dressed in his skimpy trademark outfit for a video billboard ad.
Robert Burck is unhappy that a blue M&M was dressed in his skimpy trademark outfit for a video billboard ad.

The ad, which shows the animated candy in a white hat, boots, guitar and underwear, attracts customers to M&M's Times Square store.
It is virtually identical to the outfit worn by the Naked Cowboy each day in Times Square where he has become a tourist attraction. The case will be heard in Manhattan federal court.
"My initial response was like, 'Wow that's cool,' " said Burck, whose claim to fame is playing guitar at 45th Street and Broadway, holding the instrument over his briefs to make him appear to be naked. But then he decided a major corporation was cashing in on his ingenuity and hard work.
"All I've got is my underwear. It's the most brilliant thing that's ever been created from a marketing perspective. You can't stop it," said Burck, 37, who filed suit on the advice of lawyers and trademark experts.
Mars is declining to comment on the case - however, the Naked Cowboy's candy-coated chocolate electronic alter ego has disappeared from two video billboards.
FTANG! salutes the bikini-brief-clad cowboy!! You go, Robert! Don't take any shit from those annoying M&Ms! On a side note, Mrs. FTANG! still loves the photo of you and she.
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